Trixie Minx at Jazz Ascona: Time tripping with the Treme Brass Band (Field Trip)

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As part of our “Field Trip” series, New Orleans burlesque producer and performer Trixie Minx continues her travelogue at Switzerland’s Jazz Ascona, which features a celebration of New Orleans music that includes the Treme Brass Band, Tom McDermott, Aurora Nealand, Glen David Andrews, Shamarr Allen, Topsy Chapman, Anais St. John, Lillian Boutté and Shannon Powell. Here she checks in at the midway point.

The other day I realized I had been in Switzerland for exactly one week, marking the mid-point of the Jazz Ascona Festival. It was a strange realization, because ever since I got to the festival time hasn’t been used as a unit of measurement so much as a pleasant reminder to see or work with another musician. It is difficult to describe but so clear to everyone that is here that Jazz Ascona is not merely a music festival but a music experience.

My days and nights have blurred together into a single thread of artistic and very human consciousness. When I first arrived I had a very grand plan of waking up early, working on projects with my friends, seeing the sights and then performing all night. I love the calm of a scheduled routine, but the environment of the festival led me to relax my “plan” and truly live the experience I am so lucky to be in. So my typical yet not scheduled day starts by waking up early to the sound of church bells (which are on every corner; seriously, it’s like Starbucks) since they hate the idea of me sleeping in. In a zombie-like state, I leave my room in search of coffee. This is where my adventures begin… .

I’m half a block from the piazza, which is the main street on the lake and the location of most of the stages for the festival. I’ve taken dozens of pictures of the piazza, but photos don’t seem to capture the unimaginable beauty of this view. The street is lined with little cafes dotted with brightly colored, umbrella-covered tables looking out on to a lake swirled with crystal clear blue and green water. Swans gently glide by, and in the distance the snow-tipped Alps are as far as the eye can see. I joke that it is like “The Truman Show” because it truly looks to heavenly to be real.

On this beautiful street, I run into different musicians each day. They are either drinking coffee at a cafe, smoking under the shade of a tree, playing music on their balcony or even stumbling home from the night before. I’m very fortunate to have worked with most of these artists for years in New Orleans, but we very rarely get to hang outside of a gig; however in Ascona we have this unique bubble where we can both work and hang. Of course we go see shows, castles, waterfalls and mountains, but my favorite part continues to be the conversations we have with one another.

My evening starts around 8 p.m. parading with the Treme Brass Band. As the only burlesque lady dancing through the streets in sparkly drawers amongst a festival that is primarily made up of musicians and people who love jazz, I bring a little extra NOLA magic to the mix in my role as an ambassador. The crowds truly love music and New Orleans, so marching down the cobblestone streets each night with Treme is more than just a “gig” but truly an honor to be sharing what we do locally on an international level. Afterwards the guys and I get drinks, eat dinner and see more music. After all the stage shows, everyone meets up at the late-night jam session.

These jam sessions are perhaps one of the strongest defining points of Jazz Ascona. While each artist is amazing at their craft and kills it on their individual stage sets, at the jam session you have an incredible mix of all the artists playing together. It’s a very interesting game of musical chairs where people are continuously jumping on/off the stage to play the next song. I even got to get in the mix on bass for a couple tunes and did a pop-up burlesque performance as well.

With music in the air, booze in most everyone and an electric energy of happiness, the night fades into morning, and the process is all repeated again.

As I said earlier, time has not been a unit of measurement but a pleasant reminder of music each day. So while I am halfway through my “time” at Jazz Ascona, I’m not counting the minutes but loving all the moments, a concept I hope to bring back with me.


Trixie Minx returns to Ascona, Switzerland (Field Trip)

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When I learned New Orleans burlesque producer and performer Trixie Minx (Fleur de Tease) was returning with Piper Marie to Atlantic City for their seasonal performances with “The Burlesque Show,” it made sense to approach Trixie about participating in our “Field Trip” series. But when she mentioned that she would be returning to Ascona, Switzerland, for the Ascona Jazz Festival, a change in plans was in order. We will have more on the Atlantic City gig later this summer, but for now, here is the first installment of her European trip, starting with a look back to 2011.

The first time I ever heard about the Ascona Jazz Festival was through drummer Gerald French. In a nutshell, this festival celebrates New Orleans Jazz over a two-week period in Ascona, Switzerland, every year. The festival organizer, Nico, was visiting New Orleans when Gerald had invited him to see my “Burlesque Ballroom” show at the Royal Sonesta (Gerald was playing drums in the band). Nico quietly stood by the bar and watched the whole show with a big smile on his face. Afterwards, Gerald introduced us and we all hit it off. Nico asked if we could bring a burlesque show to the Ascona Festival, and of course we said yes.

The idea of combining jazz music and burlesque is not new, but one that has been lost over the years, most notably since the heyday of 1950s burlesque on Bourbon Street. Nico recognized the importance of the relationship between music and dance leading him to theme the 2011 Jazz Ascona Festival as “Body and Soul.” He told us that this was the first time they had ever brought burlesque into what was an all-music festival. While it was sort of a risky gamble to try something new, he truly believed in us and the artistic merit of the marriage between jazz music and burlesque.

With excitement and our first gig already booked, Gerald, myself and Jayna Morgan (who was the “Burlesque Ballroom” bandleader at the time) teamed up to create “Creole Sweet Tease” specifically for this event. We put together an all-star cast featuring dancers: Kitty Twist, Nona Narcisse, Bella Blue and myself. This included a killer band that featured Kerry Lewis, Steve Pistorius, Tom Fischer and, of course, Gerald and Jayna. With Magic Mike as our host we had the dream team that made up the first cast of the new show.

I wanted the show to be more than just talented ladies in sparkling costumes dancing to great music. Performing at this festival was an incredible opportunity, so it was super-important for me that the show had a story arc that touched on the history of New Orleans. With home and history as a start, Jayna, Gerald and I picked songs from the late 1800s to the 1920s. We assigned each dancer a character that each had a different story of how they came to work in Storyville for the first act. The second act then continued the story of their lives after the fall of Storyville and through the roaring Twenties.

When we arrived in Ascona, it truly was heaven on Earth. A small town on a lake in the south of Switzerland surrounded by snow-capped mountains, it looked like a scene from a Hollywood movie. Several outside stages were set up along the Piazza (all with the Alps as a backdrop) and a couple of smaller stages in cafes not directly on the lake.

While the beauty of our surroundings had us is awe, it was the New Orleans people that truly brought the town to life. Musicians from all over the world, but primarily New Orleans, played day and night for two weeks. Brass bands parading down cobblestone streets turned the pleasant quiet town into one of hearty celebration. Creole Sweet Tease performed our full show four times, and our band/dancers did several smaller sets throughout the week.

While I could write a book about all the crazy stuff that happened here is a short list of my favorite experiences:

1) Seeing giant posters of Gerald and myself plastered all over town. We were the image for the 2011 festival, and it was a surreal experience to see our image blown up with foreign text in the headline.
2) Second lining and getting to better know the late Uncle Lionel Lionel Batiste, but most of all …
3) Showcasing New Orleans burlesque with a cast of fiercely talented performers to a brand new audience, and seeing that audience smile.

Avenue Pub in Belgium: Of beer and battlegrounds (Field Trip)

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As part of our “Field Trip” series, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. Next up: Polly Watts tours battlefields and a historic brewery tied to war.

I joke that when I travel, beer and battlegrounds are my favorite activities. The social aspect of beer and the history of the region as told through war memorials are the two aspects of travel that I seem to return to every time I travel. My memories of the Poperings/Yrpes region of Belgium combine those about as much as is possible, so of course I wanted the Pub staff to see the area.

Poperings historically has been a farming region and it the major area in Belgium for hops. Yrpes (pronounced “eeper”) and its surrounding area are the site of the bloody four-year Battle of Passchendale during World War I. Almost half a million souls were lost during those four years in the miserable stalled trench battle that completely consumed the terrain. The fields of crops are so dotted with cemeteries that one doesn’t even have to go to the major sites and cemeteries surrounding the Menin Gate to see the inspiration for John McCrae’s WWI poem “In Flanders Fields”:

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place, and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe!
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.”

Pleas for future peace are everywhere, in the German Youth Brigade cemeteries where the remains of thousands of young student and seniors soldiers lay buried in a mass grave, in the countryside memorial to the first gas attack the world had ever seen, and at the Menin Gate, the memorial that every night still plays last post to honor the dead of the war. I do not possess the eloquence to fully explain the emotion of this place, but it’s abundantly clear after visiting why people at the time thought it was “the War to End All Wars.”

The history of this place is intertwined with the brewery we visited. The owner of Van Eecke is descended from medieval brewers in the region. The locals burned the original brewery to the ground to keep the advancing Germans from occupying it. After all, providing beer-brewing equipment to the enemy would we a real disaster.

Philip’s (the Van Eecke owner) grandfather and great uncle were both involved and in the war. One of the many roadside memorials we visited was a statue of Philip’s great uncle, who died during one of the battles towards the end of the war.

After the war, Philip’s father rebuilt the brewery within sight of the Salient Line. Like everything in the area, the building dates to 1924. Yrpes and surrounding areas were pummeled by four years of mortar attacks. What you see there today are detailed reconstructions of the original medieval buildings.

After the war Philip’s grandfather met the daughter of an the local brewery at the Brewers Ball, and two brewing families turned into one family with two breweries.

Today, Van Eecke is a medium-size regional brewery. Like many regional breweries, their local community supports and their signs are on many local pubs and restaurants. This is such a change from Brussels, where you see signs of mostly InBev products like Jupilar with a smattering of Duvel Moortgat. Their beers use local hops and their Poperings Hommel is a much hoppier Belgian beer than you normally see in these regional breweries. Our Pub Pils is the Pilsner the brewery makes for the local pubs.

The house where Philip grew up was built on the brewery grounds. Again, this is typical. Brewery owners lived where they worked. Our group of 10 was served coffee in the house on his mother’s china, surrounded by antiques overlooking the small garden. Not surprisingly, all the windows in the light-filled rooms face away from the breweries grounds, so once inside you don’t feel its presence.

It’s doesn’t take much to visualize the generations of brewers who were raised here with the brewery courtyard as their playground. The rabbit warren of brewing buildings that have been added on over the years would have been the best hide-and-seek a kid could be tempted with, so one also wonders how the matriarch of the family kept the kids from disappearing into that of stairs and little rooms.

Five years ago, Philip introduced me to what still ranks in my experience as the best beer restaurant I’ve visited. T’T Hommelhof is in the Watou Village square, a town of no more than 2,000 people. Although normally closed on Tuesday, the chef opened us just for our group, a testimony to the close relationships they have with our host Van Eecke. The food and beer the chef creates feel organically connected. These are not “pairings” where a modern chef has created a dish and then found a beer to accompany it. They are such seamless and delicious combination that one leaves with the idea that neither could exist without the other — which is very much like the relationship between the history of the region and the brewery.


Avenue Pub in Belgium: Noted beer author on “The Belgian Mystique” (Field Trip)

As part of our “Field Trip” series, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. Next up: Stephen Beaumont, who along with “World Atlas of Beer” co-author Tim Webb ran into Watts on her trip, takes over the keyboard to discuss “The Belgian Mystique.”

“Do you still learn something new every time?”

That was Polly Watts asking me last night about my Belgian experiences. I first met Polly when I came to New Orleans for a conference several years back, but I’ve known Belgium for considerably longer. I made my first trip over in 1997, and I’ve returned at least once a year every year since. And yes, I do learn something new every time.

My colleague and “World Atlas of Beer” co-author, Tim Webb, has visited Belgium many more times than have I, and although I’ve never asked him, I’d bet that he learns something new every time, as well. It’s that kind of place. Since I make my living writing about beer and have done so for 26 years now, it won’t come as a shock that I began visiting Belgium for the beer. What keeps me coming back, though, carving out a week here or a few days there from a sometimes ridiculously packed travel schedule, is the delightful absurdity of everyday life in this tiny and divided land in northern Europe.

When I do speaking gigs, as I’ll do at the Avenue Pub in November, what gives life to the beers I present are the stories I’m able to tell about the breweries, the people behind them and the sometimes odd and eccentric ways in which I’ve encountered both. A large number of these stories are based in Belgium.

I’ve been taken on an all-night pub crawl by the chef-owner of the restaurant I ate dinner in for no other reason that he offered to show me around. I’ve lied my way into a Trappist monastery, pretending to be part of a couple considering a religious retreat, because the brewery had just hosted a German film crew whose visit had not gone well and the prior had decided to shut the place down to further media visits. (The resulting story was reprinted in the Catholic Digest, so I guess we were forgiven.) I’ve been led at 3 o’clock in the morning to an artisanal cocktail bar the equal of any in the United States, which also just happened to be an illegal underground speakeasy. I’ve drunk some of the world’s best lambics all night in a field in the middle of nowhere.

And that’s just scratching the surface!

The bottom line, as I will tell anyone who asks, is that beer is just the start of the Belgian experience, and when visiting it is important not to get so focused on the fermented stuff that you miss all the rest. Visit bars outside of the legendary beer destinations. Talk to locals and really listen to what they have to say. Have a plan, but also harbour a willingness to abandon it and shoot off in a new and entirely unanticipated direction.

But most of all, come and visit Belgium. The economic effects of those horrific terrorist attacks a while back are still being felt, and Belgium in general and Brussels in particular could use some tourist love. As an added bonus, hotels remain surprisingly inexpensive, making this a very safe and utterly affordable destination.

Oh, and there’s quite a bit of extremely good beer over here, too, including a lot of stuff you’ve likely never heard about. And you’ll be surprised by how cheap it is in the bars!

Stephen Beaumont is the author of “The Beer & Food Companion” and co-author with Tim Webb of The World Atlas of Beer, the fully updated and revised second edition of which will be published by Sterling Epicure in October.

Avenue Pub in Belgium: For the love of Cantillon (Field Trip)

As part of our “Field Trip” series, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. Next up: a much-anticipated tour of one of the best breweries in the world.

BRUSSELS — No one got locked in a bathroom, and everyone ended their day with their wallets, passports and luggage.

We arrive bleary eyed and a bit hun gover at Cantillon at what we thought would be an achievable time for us. In fact I was pleasantly surprised that Jean set us up for a 10 a.m. tour. Owner Jean Van Roy clearly understands his visiting customer base much better than we understand ourselves; if he’d asked us to be there any earlier, we would have to come in while still up (and drunk) from the night before. Now, we would have made it, because it is Cantillon, but it wouldn’t have been pretty.

Cantillon is normally a self-guided tour. I’ve been to the brewery twice before and the crowds have increased substantially. Guiding us through the hordes (and I mean hordes), of beer tourists I question Jean on how his crew could possibly get any work done. He flashed a half smile and then gave the answer that I should have expected. As always with Jean, his motivation links back to his past and his desire to connect Cantillon to everyone — not just rich people, not just beer geeks, not just “in the know” folks. Everyone.

It was the Le Musee Bruxellois de la Gueuze that sustained and saved the brewery during the very slim 1970s and ’80s. When other breweries were adding sugar to their beers to survive, Jean’s father hung onto the family business by offering the public a view into the traditional and almost bygone art of lambic brewing. For those of you who haven’t been, the museum IS the brewery. There is no separate space for museum visitors. The museum is the brewery in action. Imagine for a minute trying to get a very physical and taxing job done while hosting 50,000 visitors a year. Yeah, that sounds like Mardi Gras every day to me. Jean and his family feel a strong sense of commitment to the concept that kept his family business alive during those starving decades. To refuse or limit those visitors now that Cantillon is a success would be a betrayal of that service.

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Avenue Pub in Belgium: A day trip to Bruges (Field Trip)

Avenue Pub Belgium Bruges

As part of our “Field Trip” series, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. Here staffer Angela Grittman shares a day trip to Bruges.

BRUGES — The highlight of the day was climbing the bell tower, which meant 366 very tiny windy stairs to a breathtaking 360-degree view at the top, 83 meters up. We followed that up with a visit to the Salvador Dali museum. I think we all agreed the “Alice in Wonderland” series was a favorite.

We found a great spot for a late lunch at the best time. Mussels and frites, Flemish beef stew, meat plates, salmon, and rabbit. The day was lovely and warm and as we ate we watched the rain come down.

An endless amount of wandering and exploring through cobblestones streets, which of course we were tripping over constantly … it has become obvious in New Orleans we watch where we walk but today our heads were high in the sky soaking up the beauty of the buildings. It was a shame to find a lovey building from 1525 house converted into a McDonald’s.

While we didn’t do the de Halve Mann brewery tour, as we were standing there we realized there was a beer tour right in front of us, and we got to hear a bit about the brewery and their beer pipeline — which was developed to protect the ancient city from the truck traffic that the breweries success has created.

Avenue Pub in Belgium: The relative scarcity of a good Gueuze (Field Trip)

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As part of our “Field Trip” series, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. Here she digs deep into the best, and not so best, of Belgian beers.

BRUSSELS — Beer lovers tend to think of Brussels as Mecca, and even though I’ve been here multiple times I’m guilty of romanticizing the beer culture here. The fact is though, that there is just as much mediocre beer here as there is in the U.S. OK, that’s a VAST overstatement, but it is fair to say that the vast majority of places in the city don’t carry the tiny breweries that we support at the Avenue Pub every day.

We started our day with a brunch (they don’t call it brunch here) with a lovely omelette and croque monster. A Gueuze was on the menu, and, since we were nursing hangovers from the night before, we ordered it. (As an aside, a good Belgium Kriek is the best hangover remedy there is.) It’s low ABV, and I’m convinced that electrolytes from the cherries survive the brewing process. I really don’t want to know if I’m wrong, by the way, so you brewing experts can just keep that info to yourselves.

Explanation of lambic
The lambic and Gueuze that most beer geeks in the U.S. go crazy for are the result of spontaneous fermentation. For you beginners, that means that the brewer doesn’t add yeast but relies on the environment around the brewery to contribute that essential part of the process. Just like wine the terroir is a critical part of this. If your yeast is coming from your environment, it’s pretty important where environment is located. Also, this is an area that one can step into a land mine. You should never ever suggest that Gueuze or lambic can be made anywhere BUT the Senne valley. It’s sort of like calling sparkling wine Champagne when it’s not from the champagne region of France you will be dismissed out of hand.

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Avenue Pub in Belgium: Trey Reinhardt gets behind the keyboard (Field Trip)

13321773_10210030554587153_4137291078480321095_nAs part of our “Field Trip” series where New Orleanians chronicle their travels outside the city, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. In this installment, she’s turning the keyboard over to one of her collaborators, Trey Reinhardt (director portfolio development for Crescent Crown Distributing), for his early impressions on the trip so far.

BRUSSELS — I’d love to start out by telling the history of the St. Catherine area and its place in Europe, but most of the websites are written in some romance language that aren’t easily translated, so I won’t start there. But, I will tell you that it is a rich cultural neighborhood located in the middle of an unpredictable city with fascinating contradictions (OK, I stole that from a local hotel website).

So here goes the story of yesterday …

After dealing with the planes, trains and automobiles saga of international travel, we settled in, albeit luggage-less, mid-afternoon. The excitement of getting out and exploring was building among the group. It would be right to tell you that we freshened up, but we didn’t. Our travel-wearied asses got an unexpected phone call from Yvan de Baets, you may know him as the brewer and owner of a little brand called de La Senne. He delivered four cases of straight from the brewery beer to our house and threw in about a dozen glasses to go along with the care package. If this is the way Belgium is, it looks like my family will be moving here shortly.

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Avenue Pub in Belgium: Planes, trains and automobiles (Field Trip)

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As part of our “Field Trip” series, we’re following Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts and her staff as they get up close and personal with some of the best beer in Belgium. Here’s her first entry.

It’s been one helluva 48 hours. As the owner of the Avenue Pub, I’ll say I have a bit of paranoia now about traveling to Belgium. There is always a lost money or baggage. On this trip, we had three flight changes, and the last one happened today at JFK Airport. The upshot was that Delta lost everyone’s bags today — everyone except bartenders Alfred Flanigan and Ed Overbu, who arrived in Europe and visited Vienna, Munch and Prague over the previous two weeks.

Brussels is, of course, still recovering from the terrible terrorist attack this past March. We personally knew two people who were either in the train station or the airport during the bombings. I expected to find a city and an airport on edge. Anyone who flew after 9/11 remembers the tension in all forms of traveling that was present for months after. In this instance, we found pleasant and helpful Belgian workers who were happy to see us. We had custom officers who gave us beer excursion tips and expressed horror at the idea that Duvel was not on our itinerary. I’m pretty convinced that had I not agreed to go to a grocery while in town and purchase the new Duvel dry hopped mix pack that she wouldn’t have let me into the country! Seriously, she went on about it for five minutes.

Another staff member was asked detailed questions about where we would be traveling while here. When she said Cantillon & de la Senne, he (with great flourish) stamped her passport. I did not get a stamp, perhaps because my customs agent didn’t trust me to buy the Duvel six-pack. Now, there were lots of semi-automatics (firearms). But even the camouflage guys with the big guns shooed us away from the entrance with a smile.

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Polly Watts takes the Avenue Pub staff to Belgium (Field Trip)

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Avenue Pub owner Polly Watts

While the staff of Avenue Pub is hard at work wrapping up the last day of American Craft Beer Week today (May 21), they can be forgiven if their hearts are already in Belgium. As part of our continuing series called “Field Trip,” owner Polly Watts pulls the mother of all Field Trips by taking nine of her staffers to Belgium starting next Friday (May 27) for eight days to sample of the best beers in the world to put more context into the beer they serve on St. Charles Avenue. (Some notable pitstops: Cantillon, Van Eecke, Brasserie au Baron, Brasserie Blaugies, Oud Beersel, Drie Fonteinen, and Sunner (in Cologne, Germany). Watts, whom I met and covered while managing the bar guide at my previous stop — in which she was honored for having the best beer selection as well as the best bourbon selection — is one of the most fascinating figures in New Orleans’ bar scene. She seems equally passionate not only about the bar she inherited after Hurricane Katrina, but also about what she stocks there and especially who she staffs there.

13254086_1096572387072282_2641065221447868844_n“Open 24/7 except when we are in Belgium”

That’s only a slight exaggeration. The pub closes for 36 hours after Mardi Gras for the ‘Great Clean Up,” and we have been known to close for hurricanes when the chief of police calls us out in his evacuation press conference.

But as a general rule we are always here with a pint of good craft beer. Like many big cities, New Orleans is a 24-hour place. Our customer base changes to restaurant and bar employees in the wee hours of the morning and then later to night-shift workers from EMS and local hospitals around 6 to 7 a.m. For a lot of these folks, there aren’t any other options at 6 a.m. for good craft beer, so the Avenue Pub closing for any amount of time means these folks don’t have a place to go with a beer selection like ours.

The upshot is that we take the idea of closing pretty seriously, and announcing that the Pub would be closed during our staff trip to Belgium felt pretty weird. My late dad, the founder of the Pub, would be rolling his eyes right now if he knew. He’d probably be cursing while drinking his Bud Light and calling us hipsters.

Smelling the Professional Roses
Blessed as we are by the success at the Pub, the workload would get to anyone after a while. A few years ago, we caught ourselves spending all our time with the gritty details of bar management and missing the reason we got into the craft-beer business to begin with. Human-resource difficulties and no-show employees aren’t any more fun in a craft-beer bar than they are in any other business. What we do have in the craft-beer world is fabulous professional friends and amazing opportunities to travel. When the grind got to us, we made the conscious decision to start smelling those professional roses. In the past 12 months, the Pub has sent various staff to beers festivals in both the U.S. and Quebec, hosted brewers from around the world, and we have no plans to slow down. Continue reading